Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Spirited forests from mail artists in Balikesir - Trakya Universitesi Mail art

Ali Gümüleim

Haluk Sabri Arv

Elif Gül

Fugce Kir

Seda Taskin

Halit Yilma Zer

Herun Tezdal

Denis Gozduman

Osman Isildar
Hasan Çorumluōglu

Nurcy Őzdemir

Belkis Ozlluoḡlu

Haluk Sabri Arv

Mine Erisgen

Many thanks for all this great stuff from central Turkey! I apologise profusely for mis-spelling names!  It is difficult when you don't know anything about names from a place to interpret handwriting!  I also can't eamil each person, due to time constraints.  Please forward to the mail artists and know that I thank each of you and look forward to hanging your work at the Mercury Theatre in a few weeks!

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